Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Shadow

Day 50 + 51 - 2/19 + 2/20/09 - Movie #49

BEFORE: I spent a long day prepping for and working at the "Coraline" party, so I didn't have much time to watch a movie. I tried, but I was exhausted, so I kept falling asleep.

THE PLOT: In 1930's New York City, the Shadow battles his nemesis, who is building an atomic bomb.

AFTER: I partially blame the movie for not being very interesting. Let me clarify that - it's exciting, just not all that interesting. (Alec Baldwin as a superhero?) There's plenty of action, but not much STORY. (And no, action does NOT equal story, despite what former Marvel Comics editor Tom DeFalco once told me.) This movie had the misfortune of being made about 10 years too early, before "Spider-Man", "X-Men" and "Sin City" made the genre viable. Ultimately, it's just corny and pointless.

RATING: 4 out of 10 rings

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