Monday, March 23, 2009

The Dark Knight

Day 45 - 2/14/09 - Movie #44

BEFORE: This may seem like an odd choice for a 2nd movie on Valentine's Day, but Michele and I watched this one together - I'm not sure when we last sat watched a movie together, I think the last time we went to the theater together, it was to see "Batman Begins" though. I think she wants to watch some of the superhero movies with me, like "Iron Man" and "Incredible Hulk". Anyway, I meant to go see this on the big-screen, but never found the time. And I definitely want to see Heath Ledger's performance before the Oscars are given out.

THE PLOT: Batman, Lt. Gordon and Harvey Dent are forced to deal with the chaos unleashed by an anarchist mastermind known as the Joker, as it drives each of them to their limits.

AFTER: It may be heresy for me to say this, but I'm not sure how Oscar-worthy Ledger's performance was. He played psychotic well, but with three different origin stories, how are we supposed to know what his motivation is? And without motivation, what drives the character? I guess this is more of a story problem than an acting problem, though. I will say that the Joker is a lot scarier as an urban terrorist than as a petty criminal. The movie was still way too long though, with too many twists. It was exciting, but could have been edited a lot tighter.

RATING: 7 out of 10 hostages

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't that long ago that we saw a movie together in the theater, remember we went to Atlas to see that horrible Pirates of the Caribbean part 3?
