Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stuart Little 2

Year 4, Day 4 - 1/4/12 - Movie #1,004

BEFORE: Yes, I realize this sequel's main character is a mouse. But I couldn't fit this one into my last rodent chain ("Tale of Despereaux", "Alvin & The Chipmunks 2", "G-Force") and the first film had a lot of cats in it, so I'm hoping for more of the same.

THE PLOT: Stuart and Snowbell set out across town to rescue a friend.

AFTER: Honestly, I forget - why does the Little family treat a mouse like their son, and the family cat like a cat? How come they can understand what the mouse is saying, but not the cat? Yet the mouse can understand the cat, and vice versa. I think I'm overthinking it again - or I'm already cracking up from watching all these talking animals.

It's a kids' movie, it's a kids' movie, it's a kids' movie. I know, but I have to keep reminding myself not to hold it to the same logical standards as an adult film. Though this one was pretty entertaining for all ages, it didn't really dumb down the storyline too much, and it kept the slapstick out of the action sequences (mostly...).

If I had any problem with the story, besides the non-logical nature of a mouse going to school, playing soccer, etc., it's that the Little family seems a little too perfect, a bit too lovey-dovey, with their little family catchphrases, and Mr. Little giving his son these very Brady-ish pep talks. For god sakes, that's DR. HOUSE, and he's wearing a sweater, and kissing his wife, and acting all dad-like!

The voice casting is spot on, once again. You might not realize how, well, mousey the voice of Michael J. Fox (last seen in "Teen Wolf") is, until you hear it coming from an actual mouse. OK, a virtual one, but still. And as a bonus you get to see Jonathan Lipnicki around the time when he stopped being cute, so that's probably when Hollywood decided it was done with him. (Yep, just checked IMDB, he was 12 when this was released, and he's now 21.)

That said, I still found this film to be acceptably entertaining. If you have to watch a film with your kid (or someone else's kid) you could do a whole lot worse. There's still the variation on the "quest" theme - mouse has to get across town, then get back home - but they change it up so many times that you might not even notice. The bird love-interest is a great addition to the cast. Another baby in the family? Not so much.

There's a "Stuart Little 3"? Ah, crap...I'm calling a mulligan on that one.

Starring Hugh Laurie (last heard in "Monsters vs. Aliens"), Geena Davis (last seen in "The Fly"), with the voices of Nathan Lane (last seen in "Joe vs. the Volcano"), Melanie Griffith, James Woods (last seen in "John Q"), Steve Zahn (last seen in "Out of Sight"), and a cameo from Brad Garrett (last heard as a dog in "Garfield").

RATING: 7 out of 10 taxicabs

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