Saturday, January 18, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
The Yards
This all seems a bit backwards, though, wouldn't it make more sense to vandalize the trains that their company IS in charge of repairing, so there will constantly be work for them to do, and the city will always need their services? I'm just saying, but hey, no need to thank me, this is why I'm here. I see the flaws in logic in movies that other people just seem to overlook. Anyway, this trip to the subway train yards ends in disaster, the yard master trips the alarm and Willie stabs him, so he bleeds out and dies. Meanwhile Leo is spotted by a cop and if he gets caught doing crime, he'll go back in prison, so he knocks out the cop with a nightstick and puts him in a coma.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Joker: Folie à Deux
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
The Lost King
Year 17, Day 15 - 1/15/25 - Movie #4,915
BEFORE: Before I get started, an almost-but-one-day-off Birthday SHOUT-out to actor Mark Addy, born January 14, 1964. Well, I could say that I started watching this film late on January 14, so of course that counts. Being just one day off is pretty good, too.
I remember when this story made the news a few years ago, if you remember that too then that's a pretty big SPOILER ALERT for this film, namely whether the remains of King Richard III were found or not. Hmm, I don't think reporters would write a news story about them NOT being found, hint hint.
Steve Coogan carries over from "Despicable Me 4". I'll admit I was way off again, going in to this one, I naturally assumed that Coogan would play King Richard, either in flashbacks or on stage, but no, he's too old. Richard III apparently died at the age of 32, and plus I saw a trailer for this film, I should have noticed that it wasn't him playing the king. Still, my brain wanted to remember it that way, stupid brain.
THE PLOT: An amateur historian defies the stodgy academic establishment in her efforts to find King Richard III's remains, which were lost for over 500 years.
AFTER: Steve Coogan plays John, the ex-husband of Philippa Langley, but he's always over at the house because they're co-parenting two boys, so they maintain an amicable relationship while he dates someone new, and money's tight because together they have to pay for two residences. Clearly there's a story there about why they're no longer married, but the film doesn't really get into it, whether it's him or her or both of them or they fought over money or one was unfaithful, so I guess it doesn't really matter, does it? Typical British movie, trying too hard to respect the privacy of its main characters. Discussing what went wrong in their marriage just wouldn't be proper, I suppose. Well, we don't want to be vulgar. But hey, good for them for putting their sons first and both being a daily presence in their lives, it's important. Also awkward at times.
Things get worse when Philippa gets passed over for a promotion, and kind of just stops showing up for work after that. John is not happy, did she forget the part about them needing two incomes to maintain the two residences? But she's caught "the bug" of being an amateur historian, and after seeing a staging of Shakespeare's play "Richard III" she gets it in her head that history may have given Richard an unwarranted bad reputation, after all, Billy Shakes didn't write his play until over 100 years after Richard III died. So really, what were his sources? Did he just tow the party line about how Richard was a usurper to the throne, and had his two young nephews killed because they were ahead of him in the line of succession?
Philippa buys a bunch of (non-Shakespeare) history books and then tracks down the Richard III society, a bunch of like-minded people who frequent a pub and discuss their truths about Richard III - the prevailing theory among his fans was that lies and propaganda about him was spread by his successor, Henry VII in order to discredit him, and to prove that the Tudor House was superior to the Plantagenets, of which Richard III was the last male heir. It turns out that partisan politics ruled even back then, only they didn't have social media to spread lies about other royals, so they did it through paintings and rumours and claims that this person was born out of wedlock, or that one committed adultery, but you know probably they all did bad stuff and whoever was best at spreading rumors and lies came out on top. A bit like today, and we've seen how once a story gets going about liberals drinking the blood of the babies in the basement of a D.C. pizza place or Hunter Biden's laptop containing the truth about Benghazi, those stories become very hard to dispute, because how do you prove things DIDN'T happen?
If only someone could find the remains of King Richard III - the Tudors made sure that there's no grave containing his body or monuments dedicated to him - then maybe we could learn a few things. Was he really a hunchback, as Shakespeare depicted him? Even if he was, would a deformed body naturally mean that he had a twisted, evil soul? Did he, you know, have any hobbies or good qualities that we should know about, instead of just believing the party line, which dictates that the current Royal Family had to declare that they don't really acknowledge him as one of England's rightful sovereigns? Ouch, that kind of stings, doesn't it? You claw your way up to the throne by doing so much work, waiting for your older relatives to die, and then you end up with your remains thrown in a river, no grave, no monuments, and no legacy, all your deeds and accomplishments just added up to nothing in the end. Poor Richard.
So Philippa sets out to find out what really happened to Richard, after he died following injuries sustained at Bosworth Field, the last battle of the War of the Roses, between the houses of Lancaster and York. (I looked it up, I'll admit.). Richard still put in the work, he was made the Duke of Gloucester in 1461 when his older brother, Edward IV, became king. 22 years later, when Edward died, his son (also Edward) was only 12 so Richard was named Protector of the Realm, essentially ruling England until Edward V got old enough to do so. However Edward IV's marriage was declared invalid, therefore young Edward V couldn't be king, nor could HIS younger brother, Richard of Shrewsbury, so Richard III became king by default. Those two young nephew-princes were taken to the Tower of London and disappeared a month after Richard's coronation, that's what led to Shakespeare's depiction of Richard III ordering his nephews to be killed, apparently. But, nobody really knows what happened to them?
Philippa finds a lot of information about King Richard's body being taken to Leicester (pronounced "Lester") and buried near a church, however whatever tomb or monument might have been made is long gone, and once he got all that bad press, somebody allegedly dug him up and threw him in the River Soar, but did they? What if he's still buried somewhere, only nobody has yet superimposed the old map from the Middle Ages over the map of today, to see where that monument WOULD BE, if it were still standing, which it is not. Philippa pretends to go to a work-related seminar in Leicester, but really it's a seminar about Richard III, and she's allowed some time after to explore the city and see if she can figure out where he might be buried based on whatever landmarks still remain. Others have apparently tried this and failed, but she's read all of those books! And she's asked questions of the other members of the club in the pub AND she knows a guy who's been tracing descendents of the royals using DNA, so if she COULD find a body, there would now (2012) be a way to use DNA to prove it's him.
Oh, if only it were that easy. She's got to apply for funding from the city of Leicester, and the University of Leicester (Go, Fighting Pine Martens!) and then she's got to hire a whole team of archaeologists, get approvals to dig from the city council, and then there's the matter of closing down that car park (what we in America would call a parking lot) and even harder, finding other parking spaces for those 12 cars! Parking's pretty scarce in Leicester already, there's like one multi-storey (garage) and it's always full. So while the team starts digging, Philippa's got to keep driving cars around the block so they don't get ticketed.
Oh, and Philippa at some point begins seeing (and talking to) an apparition of Richard III, who's got some great life advice for her, but unfortunately he's not very helpful in remembering where he got buried. Well, to be fair, who would? I mean, he was kind of busy being dead at the time, so really, he's no help except maybe he is, in the broader sense. Wisely she does not tell anyone that she's getting advice from a King who happens to look JUST like the actor she saw portray him in that Shakespeare play. Well, maybe it turns out Shakespeare was a total tool, we really have no way to know. Maybe Shakespeare had a little something going on the side with that hot actress, and maybe he would have been cancelled if there were social media back then and people weren't comfortable with men dressed up in drag on the stage, or women weren't happy that they were forbidden to act in his plays. Just saying.
When nothing is found under the ground using radar, the funding drops out. BUT, Philippa taps the resources members of the Richard III society, and also starts crowd-funding, because there are plenty of people out there who, thanks to the internet, become fascinated by the search for a King's body, even a supposedly evil, non-legitimate hunchback king. Also, wouldn't it be really cool if she FOUND him?
Directed by: Stephen Frears (director of "Dirty Pretty Things", "Victoria & Abdul")
Also starring Sally Hawkins (last seen in "All Is Bright"), Harry Lloyd (last seen in "The Wife"), Mark Addy (last heard in "Mary Poppins Returns"), Lee Ingleby (last seen in "Ever After: A Cinderella Story"), James Fleet (last seen in "Blithe Spirit"), Bruce Fummey, Amanda Abbington, John-Paul Hurley, Shonagh Price, Helen Katamba, Lewis Macleod, Jenny Douglas, Benjamin Scanlan, Adam Robb, Robert Jack, Sarah MacGillivray, James Rottger, Jessica Hardwick, David Ireland, Glenna Morrison, Allison Peebles, Kern Falconer (last seen in "Slow West"), Nomaan Khan, Harvey Reid, Annie Griffin, Simon Donaldson, Julian Firth (last seen in "The Last Duel"), Iman Akhtar, Alasdair Hankinson, Sharon Osdin, Ian Dunn, Phoebe Pryce, Leigh Biagi, Violet Hughes, Josie O'Brien (last seen in "Outlaw King"), Katharine Edwards, Sinead MacInnes, Robert Maloney, Mahesh Patel, with archive footage of Charlie Rose (last seen in "Marvin Hamlisch: What He Did for Love") and a cameo from Philippa Langley.
RATING: 6 out of 10 press conferences
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Despicable Me 4
Year 17, Day 14 - 1/14/25 - Movie #4,914
BEFORE: You can see here why I moved "Will & Harper" out of the Doc Block and into January, this put THREE movies in a row that are all eligible for Oscar nominations, though I think it's probably a lot more likely that "Inside Out 2" will get one over "Despicable Me 4", the idea is the same. After all, it's not up to me which films get nominations, right now I can only work with what is Oscar-eligible, which is, umm, nearly everything. But for animated features, there aren't that many of them each year, so I should probably do what I can do, and cross another one off the list tonight. Even if I end up seeing two or three movies that win Oscars in any category, I'll feel like I'm ahead of the game.
Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig carry over from "Will & Harper".
FOLLOW-UP TO: "Despicable Me 3" (Movie #2,720), "Minions: The Rise of Gru" (Movie #4,246)
AFTER: This is certainly not a franchise that thinks that "Less is More" - no way, more is more. More villains, more children in the family, more minions, more more more! Only sometimes more isn't better, it's just more. They added four new emotions in Riley's brain in "Inside Out 2" and the story justified it, because puberty, but then it all added up to something meaningful, it was more but it was also so much more than more. This franchise doesn't really have a purpose, maybe it never did, except to entertain, but then I'm left kind of scratching my head, wondering why they're choosing to go about doing that in such an odd fashion. Just me?
Gru was a villain, he stole the moon, they made sure we understood where he was coming from, he likes to steal things because that's what villains do. The fourth installment in the direct storyline of the franchise (and sixth overall if you count the "Minions" prequels) takes pains to remind us that Gru once stole the moon - but he put it back, the numbskull and oh yeah, was he just bad at being a villain, because that seems almost like it's ironic, but it's not. He joined the Anti-Villain League, which seems like maybe a bunch of self-hating heroes who can't bring themselves to use that word, or that we're being tricked into still liking these movies even though we're all suffering from superhero burn-out after watching 87 Marvel movies and a few more from DC.
So there's no capes in the "Despicable Me" movies, and the villains greatly outnumber the, umm, anti-villains, but you know, that's OK because there's only one Spider-Man (OK, actually there's two now, three if you count the one from 2099, more if you count the Peter Parker clones, and like a zillion if you count the whole multiverse) but there are like 100 villains for that one hero. Ah, so THAT's why they created the other-dimensional Spider-Mans, so the original wouldn't be outnumbered and he'd have a fighting chance. Just kidding, he's still that guy who can't get to his aunt's house for dinner or get his photos to the Daily Bugle before deadline.
Gru keeps on doing what he does, too, and so they have to keep thinking up weirder and weirder villains for him to secretly take down. There was that one voiced by Trey Parker in "Despicable Me 3", Balthazar Bratt, but honestly he wasn't that remarkable, or memorable. Really there hasn't been a GREAT villain in the franchise since Scarlet Overkill in the "Minions" prequel. And the second "Minions" film had too MANY villains, which is the same problem but in reverse, and it was similarly out of balance. There, I said it.
The villain here has cockroach-based hybrid powers, which is not only very weird but a bit disgusting, also you don't really think about roaches as being strong or durable, not unless there's a nuclear war and we've been told, perhaps incorrectly, that they're the only creatures who will survive it. Also they're not smart, not attractive, they're just nasty. Why would Gru's rival want to turn himself into a cockroach, and then why would any of us in the audience want to see that? Just because "kids like bugs"? Sorry, but parents and other adults have to watch these movies, too, and you're grossing us out.
Also he hates Gru because Gru sang "Karma Chameleon" in a high-school talent show before he could? That's stupid. Why not hate Gru because he trained to be a villain and he's not fulfilling that, he betrayed all villains everywhere by working for the AVL, or is that a secret? It's still a much better reason to hate Gru. Or Maxime could hate Gru because he's got a family and Maxime doesn't, that would make a bit more sense than this whole Boy George thing. Come on, be honest, was this plot based around which 80's songs the production company could get the rights to? The use of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" at the end fits in this film a LOT better than "Karma Chameleon" does - but for both songs, the question's the same, are today's kids even going to KNOW either of those songs?
When Maxime escapes from prison, he vows to take revenge on Gru and Gru's family, so the agency moves them to a safe house in another city, while the Minions are housed at the AVL and five of them are turned into super-hero Minions, which is sure to be both a terrible idea and also very important when the storylines intersect near the end. Sure enough, the Mega Minions cause a great deal of collateral damage and they are retired, because who knew giving super powers to creatures that can't talk or think and just want to prank everyone would be a bad idea? Umm, pretty much everyone could have seen that coming.
But meanwhile in the quiet, upscale town of Mayflower, the Gru family becomes the Cunninghams and tries to blend in, with their three daughters and the three minions they were able to keep for some reason, despite the fact that nobody else in town has three yellow chattering non-definable creatures in their house. Umm, so how is that "blending in" if they still have three disastrous minions living with them? Their neighbors are the Prescotts, who are not any kind of heroes or villains, they're just white people who go to a country club. But their DAUGHTER recognizes Gru and she has aspirations to be a super-villain herself, so she blackmails Gru into stealing his old high-school's mascot, which is a live honey badger. (What could POSSIBLY go wrong there?)
I guess the plan is for her to steal the mascot, and then use that as proof that she should attend school there? That doesn't really make sense, because stealing the mascot will piss off the headmaster, and then she'll be LESS inclined to let Penny Prescott in, not more. They manage to steal the vicious creature somehow, but who brings a BABY to a heist? That's ill-advised and dangerous, and the baby's almost as stupid as the Minions. They get the honey badger and escape in a flying car, but the headmaster has a tracker in the animal's collar, and she alerts Maxime (her favorite ex-student) about where Gru's living with his family. OK, then, that was really a waste of everybody's time putting them in the safe house, wasn't it? This storyline just wants to turn itself around and keeps contradicting itself at every possible opportunity. Guys, we could have gotten somewhere a lot faster if you'd just stopped adding more, more, more to it.
There's a big battle with the flying roach ship and also the headmaster in her super-enhanced wheelchair, and there's a construction site that gets destroyed before the Mega Minions get called out of retirement and they show up with all manner of creatures in tow to run over the bad guy. All because "more is better", but it just isn't so. Finally Gru visits his old rival in prison and they reconcile with karaoke, sort of, and pretty much every character from the whole series of films is there at the prison, so you know, that feels like a pretty good note to end the franchise on, everything's wrapped up. No more kids, no more weird pets, no more outrageous villains, just realize there's a law about diminishing returns and really, we're very, very far now from where this whole thing started.
But I know they won't end it, because this film alone made almost a billion dollars, and so they're only going to make more, aren't they? It's just never going to end.
Directed by: Chris Renaud (director of "The Secret Life of Pets 2"), Patrick Delage
Also starring the voices of Steve Carell (last heard in "IF"), Joey King (last seen in "Bullet Train"), Sofia Vergara (last heard in "Strays"), Stephen Colbert (last seen in "Mike Wallace Is Here"), Chloe Fineman (last seen in "Babylon"), Miranda Cosgrove (last seen in "Yours, Mine & Ours"), Steve Coogan (last seen in "The Trip to Greece"), Pierre Coffin (last heard in "Minions: The Rise of Gru"), Dana Gaier (last heard in "Despicable Me 3"), Madison Polan, Tara Strong (last heard in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3"), Chris Renaud (last heard in "The Secret Life of Pets 2"), John DiMaggio (last heard in "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"), Laraine Newman (last seen in "Jim Henson: Idea Man"), Brad Ableson, Romesh Ranganathan (last heard in "Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget").
RATING: 5 out of 10 security laser beams
Monday, January 13, 2025
Will & Harper
Year 17, Day 13 - 1/13/25 - Movie #4,913
BEFORE: I know what you're probably wondering, why have I programmed a documentary for January? Don't docs usually have their own block, after Father's Day, or sometimes in the summer? Why now? Well, I am working on linking up that Doc Block right now, and that's part of the reason for breaking this one off from the herd and watching it today. I don't have the same line-up planned as last year, when I watched films about John Belushi, Chris Farley and the Muppets that were chock FULL of SNL stars from different eras. As of this writing, unless some uncredited extra people pop up in this film, it's only linking to one other Doc, that one about the Yacht Rock. Not a terrible problem, because I could end the Doc chain with it, or another documentary could pop up between now and June that would link off from this one and then another doc or back to the main chain, it's cool. Maybe. But if I move this one AWAY from the doc chain, a couple things can happen - I can link to another animated film from last year tomorrow AND I can see how the "Yacht Rock" doc links back to form that other circle, and I can now include the documentary about the South Park guys buying that Mexican restaurant, which my wife's been bugging me to watch. I didn't see HOW I was going to work it in, not until now.
I'm also moving it up because this is a CURRENT release - this film could be a contender for the Best Documentary Oscar, now I'm not saying its chances are great, but it was released in 2024, so it's eligible, and it's probably the only doc released last year that I would want to watch, and root for, that fits that bill. Usually there are five docs nominated and I have no interest in any of them, or I watch them SO far down the road that they're no longer relevant or something like that. So let's carpe the diem here.
Paula Pell carries over from "Inside Out 2".
THE PLOT: Will Ferrell and his close friend of thirty years decide to go on a cross-country road trip to explore a new chapter in their relationship.
AFTER: In so many ways, this is the film we need right now, with so much prejudice out there against trans people, and sure, it comes from fear and ignorance and an unwillingess to understand others, I get it, the world's a scary place even without people transitioning, but can we all just maybe grow up and try acceptance for a change? Look, I don't really have a dog in this fight, except I know two people who changed their gender, and I supported at least one of them (more on that later, maybe) and absolutely NOBODY is transitioning because they want to prey on your kids in bathrooms or get special privileges of any kind, they're doing it because they feel out of place, something in them has felt off or broken for a very long time, and they just want that feeling to stop. If your foot was broken, you would go to the doctor and say, "Please, fix my foot." But if you felt broken in your soul, what would you do? How far would you be willing to go to feel right again?
If you want to stop reading my blog because I support trans rights to, honestly, the minor degree that I do, well, fine, I'm glad we had some time together, but there's the door, try not to slam it on your way out. Since I'm not directly affected by another person transitioning, how does it possibly hurt me? Get out there, buy some new clothes, live as the other gender for a while, feel free to report back, or don't, and seek your truth. I'll still be here, doing what I do, and just hoping that some day soon you feel as comfortable in your own skin as I am. What more possibly is there to say? We live in a country that is based on freedom, although that was somewhat narrowly defined at first, people on both sides of the political aisle have been working very hard to expand those freedoms. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to eat a cheeseburger at 3 am if we want to, god damn it, because our forefathers died for that, they just didn't know it at the time.
And so eventually we got to the freedom to love whomever we want, it took a while, sure, there were some bumps in the road, but finally the Marriage Equality Act took place, and hey, funny story, it came about because the Far Right tried to pass laws that were anti-gay and those laws were declared un-constitutional. So, umm, what do you think's going to happen, geniuses, when you push for anti-trans laws like "You can only use the bathroom intended for the sex you were born at" or "You can only play sports as the gender that we think you look the most like." Those are all going to be similarly struck down as un-constitutional, and that's ultimately going to back-fire, and create a country where everyone can be free again. Maybe.
But those of us who know someone who transitions gender-wise might have a lot of questions, so that's really what this film is about. Someone who just happens to be a big famous movie-star re-connecting with that old friend, to check in, see what's up, and oh, what's your life like now that you identify as a woman? Is that even the right term? Transvestite, transexual, or is that none of my business? Probably the latter, right? And what did YOU do during the pandemic to pass the time? Did you learn to play guitar, or bake a lot of sourdough bread? Andrew Steele spent time dressing as a woman and coming out and all that entails, from hormone treatments to changing her name to Harper Steele. And then at the tail end of that whole process is (apparently) writing letters or e-mails to your friends and letting them know what your new name and situation is, because if you just bumped into them on the street, that might be even more awkward than this letter-writing process is.
Harper is up for the new challenge, of figuring out who she wants to be as a person now, can she still drive across the country like she used to, living on bad coffee and sleeping in sketchy motels. Can she still go to a sports game like she used to? Even if her heart wasn't in it before, and she was just going to see sports to try to be "one of the guys"? Does she even still drink basic beer, or should she consider switching over to wine? Probably over-thinking it there, I know plenty of women who drink beer - just try better beers than Natty Light, that's all.
Harper figures there's room for two on this road-trip, and spending a couple weeks in a car with her old friend Will Ferrell will give them a chance to discover if they can still BE friends, answering any questions either one might have, and darn it, just get out on the road and try to have some fun. Being out in public with Ferrell proves to be something of a double-edged sword, however, because people are going to notice him, he's wild, loud, and very funny, so he may attract a lot of attention and perhaps his companion can fly under the radar. Well, yes and no. At the NBA game and that steak restaurant in Texas, people take photos and make nasty comments on social media, so apparently, we still have a long way to go. Again, people, this is the land of the free, freedom is not just for the people you like or the values that you've been brainwashed into following, and just like Rosa Parks had the right to sit where she wanted on the bus, a movie star has the right to take a trans friend out to dinner without you being a complete buzzkill about it.
Their agenda is simple, after they have lunch with some past and present SNL stars near Rock Center, they drive from NYC to L.A. and try to hit some key points in-between - Washington DC, a Pacers game in Indianapolis, some kind of weird truck race down in Oklahoma, that restaurant in Texas where you try and eat the giant steak, and some kind of ballooning trip with Will Forte at an undisclosed location (New Mexico? I know there's a big balloon festival there...) and then after the Grand Canyon and a few days in Las Vegas, they meet Molly Shannon for pedicures in L.A. before reaching the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica. Honestly, I'm quite jealous, because I'd love to drive completely across the country sometimes, but my wife and I have taken long car-based vacations called BBQ Crawls, the longest was probably from Dallas to Austin to San Antonio to Houston to New Orleans. I know the drill, you want to program the activities but not totally lock yourself in, some of the most fun things we did without planning them, like finding that giant artist's warehouse with the giant U.S. President heads, just off the highway outside Houston.
But damn it, this is what you do when a friend is going through something big, and making changes to their life. You listen to their problems, try to be supportive, try to understand what they're going through (even if it seems weird to you) and just be there for them, encourage them and listen and ask questions if you have to. It's called being a good human, and maybe give it a try, you might like it. If this friend of yours asks for support and you don't give it, well, you risk them finding their inner peace and then always regarding you as the thing that was standing in their way - the screen door in their submarine, if you will. It may not even be easy, and I speak from some personal experience here. I remember when my first wife came out, and I called my parents to tell them I was going to stay with them for a week while she moved out, and before we ended the call, they asked me if I needed any help, and then they asked if SHE needed any help. Well, they were just trying to be the better people, I suppose, I was too wrapped up in the separation to support her new identity, but I guess that's to be expected. Time went by, we moved past the stigma of divorce, I got a new wife, SHE got a new wife, and I guess that's that.
Bottom line, it's about freedom - if you want to live in a U.S.A. where nobody tells YOU what religion to practice, what you can or can't wear, who you can or can't marry, then you simply HAVE to extend those freedoms to other people, or else you're a hypocrite. Freedom is a two-way street, it covers the other people whose belief system might be different from yours, and you can't put limits on what those people want to do just because you don't understand it or you don't like it. We are in this age of gender-fluidity now, and you just can't unring that bell. Some people may live in-between, or switch on a daily basis, or switch all at once, it's for everybody to figure out at their own pace, if they're so inclined. But you know what you don't hear a lot about? Gender transition regret. If it wasn't some kind of answer for the people who aren't comfortable being who they are, then there would be a lot more regret among the people who undergo gender-changing operations, and I just looked it up, the regret rate is under one percent. That means more people regret the tattoos they get than regret their gender re-assignment surgery. Doesn't this suggest that they're somehow on the right path?
Who knows, maybe this will get an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary (I'm not actively campaigning for it, Academy, I swear...) and more people will see it and maybe a few attitudes can change. Back here at the home office, I'm nominating this one in a few categories for my year-end breakdown, like "Best LGBTQ+ Film" and "Best Road Trip Film". Hey, it's got great odds in either category.
Directed by: Josh Greenbaum (director of "Strays", "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar")
Also starring Will Ferrell (last heard in "Strays"), Harper Steele, Fred Armisen (last heard in "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"), Tina Fey (last seen in "A Haunting in Venice"), Will Forte (last heard in Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken"), Eric Holcomb, Colin Jost (last seen in "Tom & Jerry"), Tim Meadows (last seen in "I Am Chris Farley"), Seth Meyers (last seen in "Bros"), Lorne Michaels (last heard in "Belushi"), Tracy Morgan (last seen in "Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me"), Molly Shannon (last seen in "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"), Kristen Wiig (last seen in "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar")
with archive footage of Dana Carvey (also last seen in "I Am Chris Farley"), Rachel Dratch (last seen in "I Love My Dad"), Ana Gasteyer (last seen in "That's My Boy"), Darrell Hammond (last seen in "Unfrosted"), Adrian Martinez (ditto), Chris Kattan (last heard in "Leo"), Diego Luna (last heard in "DC League of Super-Pets"), Rachel McAdams (last seen in "Disobedience"), Amy Poehler (also carrying over from "Inside Out 2"), Ryan Reynolds (last seen in "IF"), Maya Rudolph (ditto)
RATING: 7 out of 10 cans of Pringles (who knew there were so MANY flavors?)