Friday, December 10, 2010

The Siege of Firebase Gloria

Year 2, Day 344 - 12/10/10 - Movie #709

BEFORE: I tried to organize the war films by conflict, but there was no way to prevent some co-mingling - so I'm taking a 2-day break from WW2 films to watch a couple of Vietnam films. I got this one to fill the 2nd slot on a DVD with "Full Metal Jacket" - both films starring R. Lee Ermey.

THE PLOT: A tough sergeant and his sidekick roll into a demoralized firebase and proceed to rebuild morale and fortifications in advance of the climactic battle with the VietCong.

AFTER: What elevates a film from a simple war film to something greater? What makes a "Platoon" or a "Hurt Locker"? I'm not sure, but this film hasn't got it. This is pretty basic stuff - and any attempts at drama just seem like over-reaching (and over-acting!).

Based on the release date - 1989 - this was probably made in the wake of "Platoon", with Wings Hauser in a role that seems like a cross between Willem Dafoe's and John McGinley's.

Set during the famous Tet Offensive, the only thing distinguishing about this film is the subtle suggestion that maybe the U.S. soldiers didn't belong in Vietnam - after all, how would American soldiers react to Vietnamese soldiers invading the U.S.? But even if the Viet Cong had a right to defend their country, they choose to do it in this film by firing aimlessly at U.S. copters, and charging into a hail of American bullets. So, really, in the end, no new ground gets covered here. What a shame.

RATING: 3 out of 10 land mines

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