Friday, October 8, 2010

An American Werewolf in Paris

Year 2, Day 281 - 6/8/10 - Movie #647

BEFORE: Today was Day 1 of New York Comic-Con, and before traveling in to Manhattan to set up a booth, I started experiencing back pain, which I thought came from loading boxes of merchandise in to the Javits Convention Center yesterday - but the pain kept getting worse, and by the time I made it to the booth this morning, I was doubled over in pain, and I realized that I was experiencing the pain of a kidney stone. The first aid station at the convention was practically non-existent, so my choices were to do nothing, or be removed by ambulance to a hospital. I was in so much pain that I chose the ambulance, I rode to St. Luke's hospital, feeling every bump along the way, and (eventually) got some morphine for the pain. My wife got a ride in from Brooklyn to make sure I was OK, and that I got home OK. I was given Percoset to take after the morphine wore off, so I've spent most of the day watching TV while on painkillers. I'll try to make it to Day 2 of NY Comic-Con tomorrow.

Still more werewolf movies to watch - and unlike Comic-Con, my movie chain is a "Twilight"-free zone...

THE PLOT: An American man unwittingly gets involved with werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will.

AFTER: This is a loose sequel to last night's film, with some of the plot elements the same - American college students traveling in Europe, one ends up bitten by a werewolf and haunted by images of his dead friend. But this time the main character has to battle an organized group of French werewolves that prey on tourists by hosting organized parties.

I gather from the film's IMDB page that the main female werewolf in this film is implied to be the daughter of the main character from "American Werewolf in London", but I didn't pick up on that directly from the film.

The transformation effects were much slicker, and mostly improved, however too much CGI also tended to make them look fakier, maybe a little TOO polished. Also, I found that most of the werewolves looked similar in wolf form, so it was hard to tell which character was which during the action scenes.

Starring Tom Everett Scott (last seen in "That Thing You Do"), Julie Delpy, and Julie Bowen (last seen in "Happy Gilmore").

RATING: 4 out of 10 graveyards

SPOOK-O-METER: 6 out of 10. Werewolves are tougher in France, even the ones that are hot chicks.

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